1112 SE 41st Ave, Portland, OR 97214
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
7am to 4pm




Each of these resources below is a priceless gem worth exploring, utilizing and sharing in your own life during the current battles we face! They are a summary of years of research and experience distilled down and handed to you on a gold platter… make the most of them men! Everything is on the line and our Lady reminds us often… we are already living on borrowed time. Ready or not evil is being shoved down our throats, and those of our wives and children. Time to fight back! Deus Vult!

  • Fr.Ripperger (world renown Exorcist) recommends these 3 unique sacramentals
  1. St.Michael Relic Stone
  2. St.Raphael Holy Oil
  3. Scapular of Benediction and Protection
  • Total Consecration by ST.Louis De Montfort
  • GabiAfterHours(Youtube)
  • Church Militant (Youtube)
  • http://www.traditionalcatholic.co/free-catholicbooks/  (immense library of free Catholic reading)
  • CountdowntotheKingdom.com (new this year, amazing website of saints, prophecy and more!)
  • Infiltration by Dr.Taylor Marshall (and Youtube)
  • Rules for Retrogrades by Tim Gordon (and Youtube)
  • Ralph Martin (author of many good books and on Youbtube)
  • FASTING is something our Lord said is required for certain healing and our Lady has said it can stop wars and transcend the laws of time. Just do it!
  • “Agonizing Crucifix” is from an apparition still under investigation, but said to be the most powerful sacramental given to humanity
  • Use OLD RITE Holy Water for blessing, healing, protection and forgiveness of venial sin (daily, side carry weapon along with your rosary)
  • Blessed Beeswax candles (3 days of darkness prophecy)
  • Exorcised salt for holy meals and to spread around the home
  • Benedict Medal (only medal to receive an exorcism attached to it. Powerful!)
  • Miraculous Medal (has this name for a reason)
  • Virgin Most Powerful Radio
  • USGF- United States Grace Force! 50… going on 100,000 strong!
  • Dominican Rosary Confraternity (a MUST as explained by St,Louis de Montfort, the power of everyone praying their rosary with and for everyone daily in the confraternity worldwide, easy to sign up online!)
  • Offer Mass for special intentions or loved ones or donate for Perpetual Enrollment to share in thousands of Masses every year forever with religious orders. This is beyond what can be said here, please research the power of the Mass and do these things. My favorite intention is for all our Blessed Mother’s intentions and the best Perpetual Enrollment is by far the “Purgatorian Archconfraternity”
  • Do you like “Plenary Indulgences”? Then get a five fold scapular! 5 of the most powerful scapulars (including brown) combined into one and approved. 466 plenary indulgences per day with the few prayers it asks, plus the normal requirement of course.
  • Divine Mercy Sunday wipes a person clean of all sin and temporal punishment due to sin making you as spotless as the day you were Baptized! Unlike the rigorous requirement for a plenary indulgence to be fulfilled, this only requires a good confession and reception of communion on this climax of the Octave of Easter! Also, confession and communion are a simple one two punch also available that Exorcists constantly remind us are more powerful than an exorcism! Exorcism is a mere sacramental used in emergencies. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!
  • Fr.Calloway, author and speaker (especially his recent book on St.Joseph!)
  • AUXILLIUM CHRISTIANORUM (MUST have for your daily spiritual warfare arsenal)
  • Adoration has been said time and again to have countless profound blessings for ourselves and the world and even raises our place forever in Heaven! Going for even 15 minutes is greater than all other devotions or spiritual exercises of the day, say the Saints, and second only to the Holy Mass.
  • Pray the Rosary! But, remember even our Lady prefers the Mass as she told Bl.Alan de Roche
  • Regular confession (at least 1/month) and try a good general confession, especially in these times!
  • Mother Mirium Live/Life Site News (Youtube)
  • Remnant/Michael Matt (Youtube)
  • Pray for Fr.Altman!
  • Read Vigano Open Letter about ”Great Reset”
  • “He who does not know Scripture does not know Christ” -St.Jerome
  • Make Daily Mass a priority as ling as you fulfill the duties of your state in life
  • Pray boldy! Pray to be a Saint or Martyr! Face fears and lay down your life… look to examples like St.Maximillian Kolbe or St,.Joan of Arc
  • Visit a Latin Mass parish and get involved, Learn about the traditional faith and the clash we now have between that and modernism,.
  • Study what it means to be a man and stand up for our masculinity in a feminine world with feminine priests.
  • Be active in politics!
  • Balance corporal and spiritual acts of Mercy
  • Fight the temptation to sell out, or simply do just enough.. love hurts and requires sacrifice and resisting!
  • How to be somebody ($2 lifechanging book) and Imitation of Christ (Thomas Kempis)
  • Forgiveness can never be understated and there really is something to that “attitude of gratitude”
  • Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare, Manual for Spiritual Warfare, Ecclesiae Militantis, Lord Prepare My Hands for Battle, Hauntings Possessions Exorcisms, The Warning, The Reign of AntiChrist (all highly recommended books)
  • Last, but definitely not least! Therealpresence.org (excellent website with immense volumes of information, materials, resources etc. all about the Eucharist, which so deeply needs worshipped and protected and simply believed in today)

This list is not exhaustive, but I sincerely pray it leads all of you and yours down the right road in Christ, through our Mother Mary. Amen+

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