1112 SE 41st. Ave. Portland, OR 97214
Saturday, December 9th, 2023
6am to 4pm

Purpose for this conference

  1. An opportunity to bring souls back to Christ Jesus and His Church!
  2. Be set on FIRE with one’s FAITH!
  3. Be reconciled with God through the sacrament of Confession.
  4. Men to experience Our Eucharistic Lord in Holy mass and Adoration! 
  5. Men to know The 5 Stones against Goliath: Confession, Eucharist, Scriptures, Rosary, Fasting.
  6. To transform men’s spiritual lives so they won’t be the same again!
  7. Make the message Clear:
    -Be holy or die trying!
    -Be a saint! What else is there?!
  8. We are either divinized (In sanctified grace) or demonized!
  9. Be men of Conviction and Zeal!
  10. Be men w/ a Mission!
  11. Prepare your souls for battle (Psalm 140)-It’s a fight for souls starting with your soul & the souls of your family.
  12. Be Devote sons to Our Blessed Mother by always praying and carrying our weapon and shield: Rosary & Scapular.
  13. Be part of the M.M.A. – Mother Mary’s Army!
  14. We want men to be exposed to know what sacred liturgy looks and what sacred music sounds like.
  15. We want men to know what power preaching sounds like – Talks geared towards men by the best Catholic speakers from across the nation!
  16. For men to leave as Highly Informed Catholics ready to take back their marriages, families, parishes, archdiocese, nation and culture!