1112 SE 41st Ave, Portland, OR 97214
Saturday, March 8th, 2025
7am to 4pm

Mike Coco

Mike Coco

Mike Coco is a former ‘in the stands’ cradle Catholic who has become a Man on fire for Christ. With newfound passion to “Go get them,” Mike’s testimony highlights the effects of spiritual warfare and the saving mercy and grace of God. As a layperson, Mike has served in various youth groups, performed in music ministry, and is currently an RCIA Core Team member at Resurrection Catholic Parish in Tualatin, Oregon. Mike has an undergraduate degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Colorado and a Master’s degree in Sport Management from the University of Northern Colorado. His passion for medicine and sports moved him to the Pacific Northwest in 1996, teaching curriculum Sports Medicine courses at Eastern Washington University while concurrently providing medical care to the university’s student-athletes. This was followed by a 9-year term providing medical care for collegiate student-athletes at Washington State University. Mike’s current career is selling life-saving medical devices to hospitals. He is a former Ski Patroller, collegiate Baseball player, and currently an avid musician, performing trumpet and arranging music in his spare time. Mike and his wife Andrea currently reside outside of the Portland Oregon area. They have two wonderful boys who recently launched into life, allowing Mike and Andrea time to ‘empty nest’ at many local wineries.

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